Mendel Museum of MUNI

  • Individually (without booking) or with a guide
  • Tour length: approx. 45 min

Gregor Johann Mendel – The Story of a Humble Genius will introduce you Mendel’s life, his work on the principles of heredity, and his interest in meteorology and beekeeping. The modern exhibition uses audiovisual technology on glass panels. It also includes exhibits from Mendel’s studies, monastic life, and scientific research.

Genetics: A Fascinating Journey into the Cell Nucleus will guide you through the mysteries of the nucleus, presenting Mendel’s experiments, discoveries, and the foundations of genetics and molecular biology in an interactive form.

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Expozice je částečně realizována z projektu Interreg AT – CZ „Nová stálá expozice o genetice v Mendelově muzeu, registrační číslo projektu: KPF-02-250

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